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I'm not usually one for them ps1 style graphics, but I really enjoyed this short horror. I knew there was something off with that nun. Great job PixelB! Many thanks for uploading for us to play. Here's my playthrough.  

Went to an orphanage looking for kids and instead got some stew. It was okay. Probably had been sitting out for awhile, and it tasted a little funky. Don't think the nun's that good of a chef. Or that good of a caretaker. Or a nun at all. Wouldn't recommend.

The game, on the otherhand, was fantastic. Fantastic atmosphere and build up. Great job, dev. Absolutely adored it.

Really nice short horror experience! You know something is off the moment the game starts but when you see what it! My gameplay starts at 23:06.

This was a fun short horror game. I didn't realize in the video it was made for the 2 minute horror jam though. It was an great atmospheric and unsettling game! So glad I got to play it!

The twist was awesome. One of the best 2min horror games I've played on itch.

Pretty cool game. I would love to you expand on that story. 

A two minute scary tale

This was quite brilliant


I knew that there is something wrong with this nun, the moment I saw her


I had the pleasure of reviewing your game!!

Very cool and creepy. That nun freaked me out from the beginning.

(1 edit)

this is one of the games where i wanted it to be longer! it was a fun horror game because the atmosphere, the concept is all on point. it was short but it is  pretty straightforward. I wish the game was a little bit longer but great game!

p.s game starts at 9:15

I love this game, really had fun with it. Very creepy atmosphere and the conclusion was excellent!!

really cool graphics man !! the best retro style i have seen keep it up  

(1 edit)

Super short yet super ominous game.  (Video below.) The graphics was great and I thought it went well with the overall theme and ambience. The nun herself was super creepy and only noticed how wrong she seemed towards the end (ignoring her creepy demeanour and the weird and creepy dialogues throughout the beginning and middle), how she towered over the player and seemed suddenly odd. 

Another great thing that you did was the switch from first person to third person. The fact that the camera stays with the.. Well, camera was really cool and loved the way you implemented it into the game and hence made it more creepier because of the ending.

This is a short gem of a game and you did it really well, even the dialogues were crafted and thought out really well too. Great job and good luck for future games!

(1 edit)

Wow! I loved this. Although it's very short the it was very creepy! The whole time it was just very unsettling and I didn't know where the story was going to go. Thank you for creating this pixelb! I followed you and will be keeping an eye out for any other games you make!

*Your game starts at 10:04*

i love the game the hit box on the stew can get some work i love the 8 bit look 13/10

i loved this game i just wish there was more of it

Your game scared me!! I def had fun though!!

The nun was a scary antagonist for such a  qucik game, also a dumb protagonist, but what game is complete without a dumb protagonist? I really enjoyed and look forward for more from you.  The game is the third game!

its really cool


I loved the atmosphere and the final twist! Really cool <3


i love it mate

check my simple game too please

i would really appreciate :)


amazing! perfect ending. loved the perspective switch from first person to third, too, so clever.


Oh man that ending tho! Skip to 15:48! 


My playthrough

I really enjoyed it. I love these type of games and though it was short it managed to creep me out.  Good job.

Nice and sweet, sets the tone very well. Also SHES FREAKIN' HUGE 😂

I added it to my 3 scary games the let's play is at the end I hope you enjoy it! 😁

Nice ! Of course like the others, wish it was longer but still cool :)

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This is actually one of my new favorites. I was immediately taken by the atmosphere.  The orphanage is a lonely, quiet and depressing place. I like having dialogue options too, even if they all eventually led to the same place. This is a game where, you know what happened, but you’re not sure how. But you’re also unsure if it’s going to happen again. I wish this were a full release, but as is, it’s still well-made and  extremely effective. 

Lovely Graphics, and nice G-Man Nun

This was fun.

Really enjoyed this entry! The textures and models were fantastic, as was the atmosphere

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cool ...hope full version this game

Very interesting game. The game is weird and disturbing in a good way, it gets under your skin. I enjoyed the game and included it in a 3 game gameplay that I will link below if you are interested in watching. Gameplay starts at 5:40 .Enjoy!

wait, this is reallllllyyy good. even though it's short, i totally loved the art style and it was very eery!

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